As with other brand new hardware, it takes time to work out the kinks and I, apparently, am one of the unlucky ones that got a Surface Pro 4 with problems. Surface Pro 4 Problems: What Went Wrong? You may remember the Surface Pro 3s had issues with network cards when they were first released.
Hi,Whenever I try to use the camera app, it says: 'Something went wrong. Make sure your camera is connected and not being used by another app.'
I also can't set up Windows Hello for example, so it isn't limited to that specific app.One cause could be that in order to solve a previous issue, I had the cameras disabled in the UEFI menu. During that time I once opened the app, which is the first time I got the error. However, the error stayed after adjustment of the UEFI settings.I deleted the Windows Camera app through PowerShell commands and reinstalled it through Windows Store, but that didn't resolve the issue.Does anybody has an idea how to resolve this?
Surface Go Camera Not Working
Hi there,I had a similar problem. After the latest round of updates my Surface no longer recognised the camera.